Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Washing Your Hair the Natural Way (with Baking Soda)

I have very fine hair but a lot of it. I can't use conditioners because apparently I am allergic to them (they make my scalp itch to the point I get sore... I know TMI) I can't use 2-in-1 shampoos, and actually MOST shampoos, for that matter. I have a very good friend that has the same problem as me, except she doesn't have as much hair. Today she told me she washed her hair with just baking soda and water. So I tried it. OH.MY.LANTA. My hair is the SOFTEST it has EVER been. I didn't even need leave-in conditioner!!!

So here is the "recipe" I used:

1 part Baking Soda
2 parts Water.

Now I actually used a cup of baking soda and 2 of water because I decided to bathe in it too. I figured why not? We can wash our hair, clothes, and teeth with it. Why not body? I feel pretty clean!!

Please keep in mind that this recipe does NOT suds up... I think that's why I MAY have gone a little over kill on the amount...

Now here are a couple more recipes I wouldn't mind trying:

Fair Companies:

  • Baking soda (aka bicarbonate of soda).
  • Apple cider vinegar or one lemon.
  • A container (a recycled shampoo bottle works well).

 EHow Baby Shampoo:
  • 12 oz. of distilled water
  • 4 tablespoons Castile soap flakes (or shavings from a Castile bar)
  • 1 to 2 drops of pure essential lavender oil

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