Monday, January 2, 2012

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap

Well I started cloth diapering and choosing a detergent that was cloth AND wallet friendly wasn’t working for me. So I decided to look up some recipes. Everything used in this recipe can be found at Walmart down the laundry aisle! To start making this will cost you no more than $12 AT MOST! (FYI HE just means it doesn’t suds up a lot.) Another note, My husband works in a greasy place making engines and this takes the smell right out! When his clothes are extra dirty I add hydrogen peroxide (instead of bleach because H2O2 is non-chlorinated bleach) But I still don't wash his work clothes with ours.

The items you will need to make 1 batch:

(1) 5 gal bucket (Home Depot’s bucket with lid is better than Walmart’s… in my opinion)
(⅓ -½) bar of laundry bar soap (I used 123 but you can use ZOTE, Fels Naptha, Ivory, or any other laundry bar.)
(½) cup washing soda (I used Arm and Hammer… that’s the only brand I have ever seen)
(½) cup borax powder (Once again the 20 Mule Team is the only brand I have seen.)
(2) gallons water
16 drops of essential oil (optional)
  • Grate the laundry soap (good way to clean you cheese grater too!!) Since my bar was larger I only did about ⅓ of the bar. Add 6 cups water and heat it until the soap melts.
  • Add the ½ cup washing soda (make sure you are NOT using baking soda!!!) and the ½ cup borax and stir.

  • When it is completely dissolved, remove it from the heat and pour 3 gallons of water into a 5 gal bucket.

  • Add the soap mixture and essential oil and stir. (I used eucalyptus because I have always been told it kills dust mites, bed bugs, and other yucky stuff)

  • Let the soap sit for about 24 hours until it gels. (It will seem like watery jello!)

  • Use a ½ cup detergent per load of laundry.

  • If you want to use a fabric softener, vinegar is a great replacement and doesn't make your clothes smell like vinegar.

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